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Enroll in our course and begin your OET preparation journey



Frequently asked questions

Why is OEWorld different?

OEWorld prides itself on three main things: 
1. All of our teachers are native English teachers so they understand the best way to help you succeed in the OET exam. Feedback and real-life examples show you wat to do and what not to do when preparing for the OET exam.
2. Our course has been designed in three modules; English language, OET preparation and Culture and Workplace Etiquette. In this way, we prepare our students not only for the OET exam, but for thier new life overseas.
3. OEWorld offers bite-size course chunks that can be learnt and used in the real world giving our students a competetive edge when it comes to taking the OET exam. In fact, most of our students often pass the OET on their first attempt!

Do I need previous experience ?

In order to take up employment in the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand or Canada, you will need to pass certain criteria. Our partners in recruitment and migraption will be able to answer any questions and provide you with a check list of documents you will need to begin your migration journey. Our placement partners in the UK will be in touch constantly to guide you through the process.

How can I choose my course?

OEWorld offers a 12-week bespoke English language + OET preparation couse for all healthcare professionals looking to move overseas. Coming soon, OEWorld will offer single module courses for Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking so students can choose what they want to study depending on their weakness.

When can I start studying ?

The OEWorld intakes are on the first Monday of every month. You can enrol before this day and start collecting your documents needed to move overseas, work on your interview skills or start with our OEWorld pre-course materials. 
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